
what's pressure thermometer ?

what's the principle of pressure thermometer?

Pressure thermometer principle is based on the variation of temperature within a closed system of evaporation of the liquid saturated vapor pressure and temperature, and temperature measurement. When the bulb feel temperature changes, within a closed system to produce the corresponding saturated vapor pressure, causes a change in the curvature of the elastic element to the free end of displacement, then the displacement amplification mechanism by the gear changes to indicate the value, the thermometer with the temperature package small, fast response, high sensitivity, intuitive readings, etc., almost a collection of glass rod thermometer, bimetal thermometer, all the advantages of the gas pressure thermometer, it can be made into shock, anti-corrosion and can achieve remote contacts signal, thermal resistance signal, 0-10mA or 4-20mA. Is currently the most widely used, the most comprehensive performance of a mechanical Thermometer.

what's the application of pressure type thermometer ?

Pressure thermometer is suitable for measuring a variety of industrial applications is non-corrosive to copper medium temperature, have a corrosive effect if the media should be used in anti-corrosion. Pressure thermometer is widely used in machinery, textile, chemical, pharmaceutical, food industry production process temperature measurement and control. Anti-corrosion pressure thermometer with stainless steel material, temperature measurement of liquids and gases suitable for the neutral corrosion medium.

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