
Multivariable Vortex Flowmeter

Vortex flowmeter is based on Carmen (Karman) vortex principle study of production, mainly used for industrial pipe flow measurement fluid medium, such as a gas, liquid, vapor and other media. It features a small pressure loss, large range, high accuracy when measuring actual volume flow is hardly affected by fluid density, pressure, temperature, viscosity and other parameters. No moving mechanical parts, so high reliability and low maintenance. Instrument parameters can be long-term stability. Vortex flowmeter piezoelectric stress sensors, high reliability, can work in the operating temperature range of -20 ℃ ~ + 250 ℃ for. Analog standard signals, digital pulse signal output, easy and supporting the use of computers and other digital systems, is a more advanced and ideal measuring instruments.

Energy measuring.
Energy into primary energy (coal, crude oil, coal bed methane, LPG and natural gas), secondary energy (electricity, coke, artificial gas, refined oil products, liquefied petroleum gas, steam) and energy carriers working fluid (air, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, water). Energy measurement is scientific management of energy, to achieve energy saving and improve an important means of economic efficiency. Flow Meter is an important part of energy measurement instruments, water, artificial gas, natural gas, steam and oil these common energy use of the extremely large number of flow meters, energy management and they are an indispensable tool for economic accounting.

