
what's the best flow meter to measure molasses ?

Tri-clamp Electromagnetic flow meter

Molasses is a byproduct of the sugar industry, which vary depending on the composition of raw sugar, processing conditions, which mainly contains large amounts of fermentable sugars (mostly sucrose), which is a good fermentation of raw materials, can be used as yeast, monosodium glutamate, organic acids and other fermentation products, substrate or base material, can be used as raw material for certain foods and animal feed.

There beet molasses yield larger molasses, cane molasses, glucose, honey, molasses, corn production has transformed smaller molasses and refined molasses.

Health type electromagnetic flowmeter uses a new type of liner material and sanitary lining process, meet the health requirements of the food industry, while using a stainless steel housing and stainless steel clamp connection for quick disassembly electromagnetic flowmeter, clean, electromagnetic flowmeterIt can not easily be contaminated during use, and can effectively prevent the accumulation of measuring fluid residue in the measuring tube can be widely used in mineral water, soy sauce, jam, beer, fruit juice, wine, milk and other food manufacturing process and health, chemicals and other fields.

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