
(CE,SGS,ISO)Marine Fuel Monitor,Marine fuel flow meter & consumption system

what's the features of marine fuel flow meter ?
In accordance with the requirements of marine diesel flow meter is properly installed, you can guarantee with sufficient precision, accuracy is usually cumulative value of up to 0.5, more 0.2, and is a more accurate flow measurement instruments. However, if the flow rate of the measured medium used.

Small, the impact of leakage error of the instrument will be highlighted and can no longer ensure sufficient accuracy. Therefore, different types and specifications of the diesel flow meter for use with a minimum allowable value, only when the actual measured flow rate is greater than the lower limit flow allowed value, the measurement accuracy can be guaranteed. Heavy meter measured media to pay attention to the temperature not too high, it will not only increase the measurement error, but also the gear stuck may occur. To this end, heavy oil flow meter in the instrument specified temperature range.

Attentions of Boat Fuel Meter.
Marine diesel meter pipeline should be clean before installation. If the liquid contains solid particles, the filter must be installed upstream pipeline; heavy oil flow meter straight pipe before and after no certain requirements. It can be mounted horizontally or vertically. When installed, it should be oval gear flow meter and the rotation axis parallel to the ground

Flow measurement independent of the state of a fluid flow, because oval gear flow meter is to rely on the indenter measured medium oval gear driven rotating metering of.

The greater the viscosity of the medium, from gear and metering space leaked gap smaller amount of leakage, so sticky skin greater nuclear test medium, the smaller the leakage error, to measure more favorable.

Marine diesel meter high measurement accuracy, but not for a fluid containing solid particles (solid particles will gear stuck, so that the flow can not be measured). If the measured liquid medium mixed with gas, can cause measurement errors.

