
super ultra micro flow meter

Flow Range:  D4: 0.015 to 4.00 GPH (1 to 250 cc/min. or 0.02 cc/cycle)
D20: 0.075 to 20.00 GPH (5 to 1250 cc/min. or 0.10 cc/cycle)

Accuracy: +/-1% 
Repeatability:  +/- 0.1%
Maximum Operating Pressure:  Standard:  3,000 psig (207 bar)
High Pressure: 21,000 psig (1448 bar)
Maximum Differential Pressure:  0250: 5 psi
1250:  15 psi
Temperature Range:  -40˚ to 180˚ F (-40˚ to 80˚ C)
Maximum Viscosity: 100 SSU (25 cp)

Measurement occurs as the result of the dual orbiting motion of the nutating mechanism as it rolls on the beam.Refer to figures A, B, C and D in sequence. This motion is induced by the fluid as it passes through the meter.This motion is consistent because the differential pressure forces are always great enough to ensure that the nutating mechanism travels the complete volume in each chamber.The process repeats itself 12 to 250 cycles per second, in proportion to the fluid flow through the meter. A flow signal is produced by interrupting the light from a photo-emitting/detecting device. The interruptions are created by a
magnet wire which tracks the magnet encapsulated in the orbiting nutating mechanism. The interruptions are then converted to an electronic square wave output, which is used to quantify the flow.

The relative simplicity of the MICRO FLOWMETER makes it far less costly than other positive displacement flowmeters which may be capable of measuring similar low flow rates.
Compared to other positive displacement flowmeters, the MICRO FLOWMETER is less susceptible to wear. The reasons for this are as follow:
The parts are so small that the relative velocities amongst the moving parts
are quite low.
All forces acting on one side of the nutator are largely offset by opposing
forces acting on the opposite side.
The ends of the beam are rounded resulting in a rolling motion rather than
sliding during operation.

Since the moving parts are not rigidly attached to each other or the motion
detection mechanism, the MICRO FLOWMETER is capable of service in fluids less
filtered than other devices which may be capable of measuring similar low flow

Should the MICRO FLOWMETER become clogged with debris, it can be easily
disassembled, cleaned and reassembled with reasonable care in the field.

All materials in contact with the fluid media are 316 stainless steel and PTFE.

D4: <0.015-4.00 GPH [1-250 ccpm]
D20: <0.075 -20.00 GPH [5 - 1250

D4: Approximately 50 pulses per
D20: Approximately 10 pulses per

+/- 1% of scale

Temp. Range:
-40 To +180° F [-40 To +80°]

+/- 0.1%

Output Signal:
0 - 5 Volt Square Wave

Maximum Operating Pressure:
3,000 psig [21 MPa] Standard
21,000psi [147 MPa] Added Cost
Option "P"

Process Connections:

Max.  P: 5 psi [34kPa] D4
15 psi [102kPa] D20
Conduit Connection:
1/2" NPT

Dimensions: 2.50" D. X
4.63 " L. [6.4 cm D. X 11.8 cm L.]
[1.32 Kg.]

Viscosity: 100 SSU [25 cp] Maximum Recommended. Higher Viscosities Reduce
Low Flow Rate Capabilities.


1. Once installed and ready to operate, open the bypass and bleed valves wide before slowly starting fluid flow to the Micro flowmeter. Allow the bleed valve to remain open until air and vapors which may have been trapped in the Micro flowmeter have been "bled". If air and vapors are persistent, turn the Micro flowmeter upside down [compression fittings would be useful] while it is running for a short time and then return to upright position.
Close the the bleed and bypass valves and begin normal system operation.[The depicted recommended installation is for systems operating with pressures greater than 20 psi. The bypass and bleed arrangement can safely
be omitted from systems operating at lower pressures].

2. If the Micro flow meter is subject to hydraulic pulsations, check valves may be
3. If it is necessary to disassemble the mechanical portion for cleaning or other
reason, ascertain that the nutator is installed with the inscribed arrow pointing
up [toward the electronic assembly]. Failure to do so may result in loss of
alignment of the motion detection mechanism. Use 4 - 5 foot pounds of torque
on the cap screws when reassembling.

