
Gas mass flow control (MFC)

What's application of MFC gas mass flow controller ?

1. Boiler, cracking furnace fuel gas mass flow measurement and control;
2. petrochemical, oil, flare gas mass flow measurement;
3. burner air mass flow measurement and control; hydrogen combustion turbine mass flow and control;
The food processing and beverage gas mass flow rate and control;
5. Chlorine water mass flow control;
High purity gas mass flow measurement 6. production of semiconductors;
7. The catalyst, chemical additives mass flow measurement;
Protection and control 8. pumps, pump seals and lubricants pool leak detection;
9. The air conditioning system control;
10. The air flow measuring instrument, process air, nitrogen or the like quality.
11. The gas analyzers, air sampler
12. leak monitoring
13. The gas distribution system
14. laboratory gas measurement
15. Medical Applications
16. The fuel cell
17. Application of gas: Air, O2, N2, He, Ar, CO2, H2, CH4, C3H8, N2O, SF6, C3H6, CO, C4H10, and so the vast majority of gas

XD300 Gas mass flow controller

what's pressure thermometer ?

what's the principle of pressure thermometer?

Pressure thermometer principle is based on the variation of temperature within a closed system of evaporation of the liquid saturated vapor pressure and temperature, and temperature measurement. When the bulb feel temperature changes, within a closed system to produce the corresponding saturated vapor pressure, causes a change in the curvature of the elastic element to the free end of displacement, then the displacement amplification mechanism by the gear changes to indicate the value, the thermometer with the temperature package small, fast response, high sensitivity, intuitive readings, etc., almost a collection of glass rod thermometer, bimetal thermometer, all the advantages of the gas pressure thermometer, it can be made into shock, anti-corrosion and can achieve remote contacts signal, thermal resistance signal, 0-10mA or 4-20mA. Is currently the most widely used, the most comprehensive performance of a mechanical Thermometer.

what's the application of pressure type thermometer ?

Pressure thermometer is suitable for measuring a variety of industrial applications is non-corrosive to copper medium temperature, have a corrosive effect if the media should be used in anti-corrosion. Pressure thermometer is widely used in machinery, textile, chemical, pharmaceutical, food industry production process temperature measurement and control. Anti-corrosion pressure thermometer with stainless steel material, temperature measurement of liquids and gases suitable for the neutral corrosion medium.


what's the features of Handheld Ultrasonic Doppler Flow meter?

what's the application of hand type ultrasonic flow meter?

Handheld Ultrasonic Flowmeter using clamp-on sensors to measure liquid flow. The installation process is very simple, all Chinese human-machine interface, more easy to operate. Particularly suitable flow balance testing and flow monitoring: drinking water, river water, sea water, cooling water, hot water, industrial waste water, lubricating oil, diesel oil, fuel oil, chemical liquids.

what's the features of Handheld Ultrasonic Doppler Flow meter?

1) non-contact measurement, small size, light weight, easy to carry.
Simple and easy to install 
2) sensors for use in measuring the sound of the media guide pipes of various sizes.
3) Measure the process does not require destruction of the pipeline, no cut-off, the sensor is not in contact with the measured medium, no pressure loss.
4) suitable for measuring metal pipes, plastic pipes and other pipes acoustically transparent material.
5) Built-in rechargeable battery, more than 12 hours of continuous work time.
6) Intelligent scene print function, ensure the integrity of the flow of data.
7) Single / Dual channel
8) portable, mobile measurement


Residual Chlorine controller analyzer

what's the application of chlorine annlyzer ?

CX-DS100 Chlorine controller used in drinking water treatment plants, drinking water distribution network, a swimming pool.
Measurement system consists of  CX-DS100 controller, chlorine electrode, pH electrode (automatic pH compensation) of three parts parts.Electrode contact with the tested solution, instrument displays the value of aqueous solution of chlorine, pH, temperature and working state.

what's the parameters of chlorine analyzer system?

(1)Measuring range:Chlorine(set free):0~20.00mg/L(ppm);Temperature:0~60C;
(2)Resolution:Chlorine:0.001mg/L;  Temperature:0.1C; 
(3)The temperature compensation range:0~60C(Reference TEMP 25C)
(4)The pH compensation range:6~9pH;
(5)Response time:< 2min (90%20C)
(6)Minimum flow:15cm3/S(constant velocity)
(7)The stability:<2%F·S every month(normal temperature and normal pressure)
(8)Current output:0~10mA(load resistance<1.5KΩ);4~20mA(load resistance<750Ω);
(9)Two group of alarm relay:3A 240VAC6A 28VDC or 120VAC;
(10)power supply:220VAC±10%,50±1Hz;
(11)The dimension:96×96×130mm;
(12)Installation way:panel installation;The tapping size of electronic unit :91×91mm;
(13)The electronic unit weight:0.6kg;

(14)Operating conditions:a)Ambient temperature :10~60C;b)Relative humidity:no bigger than 90%;c)There are no corrosive gas around; d)There are no other magnetic fields or electromagnetic fields which produce the negative effect except the earth magnetic field.


how to use Metal Tube Rotor Flowmeter ?

what's the main features of metal tube rotor flowmeter ?

Metal rotor flowmeter,also call as variable area flowmeter is industrial and laboratory most commonly used as a flow meter which has a simple structure, intuitive, pressure loss, easy maintenance. Flowmeter for measuring by pipe diameter D <150mm little traffic, it can also measure the flow of corrosive media. When using the meter must be installed in the vertical direction of the pipe, the fluid medium from the bottom up by a rotameter.

what's the application of rotory flow meter ?

Metal rotor flowmeter is suitable for small caliber and low velocity medium flow measurement; reliable, low maintenance, long life; do not ask for straight sections; wide flow rate ratio of 10: 1; two-line large LCD, optional on-site instantaneous / cumulative flow display, backlit uniaxial sensitive indicator; non-contact magnetic coupling drive; all-metal structure metal rotor flowmeter, suitable for high temperature, high pressure and corrosive media; can be used for flammable and explosive situations; can election-wire, battery, AC power supply; multi-parameter calibration function; metal rotameter with data recovery, data backup and power-down protection.


Dissolved Oxygen Analyzer,controller

What's the application of dissolved oxygen controller ?
Industrial dissolved oxygen meter is based on simplified to ensure the performance of functions, clear display, simple operation and excellent test performance do have a very high price. Widely used in chemical fertilizer, metallurgy, environmental protection, pharmaceutical, biochemical, food and wastewater treatment, municipal sewage works and other continuous monitoring of dissolved oxygen in solution value. It can be equipped with sewage dissolved oxygen electrode ppm level, implement monitoring oxygen content value ppm level.

what's the features of dissolved oxygen meter?
Industrial Dissolved Oxygen Meter is a precision instrument for testing and control of dissolved oxygen. The instrument has a micro-computer storage, compute and compensate for all parameters measured dissolved oxygen values; can be set to the relevant data, such as altitude and salinity;.. Its full functions and easy operation and stable performance characteristics of a dissolved oxygen test and ideal instrument control.
DOG-2092 industrial dissolved oxygen meter uses backlight LCD displays with an error indication; automatic temperature compensation; isolated 4-20 mA current output; dual relay control, high and low alarm indication; down memory without battery backup, data kept for 10 years.

Happy birthday~~

Happy birthday for my colleague

Shanghai Cixi Instrument Company

what's using condition of butterfly valve ?

butterfly flap valve is a simple structure of the control valve, the valve can be used to switch control of the low-pressure pipeline medium refers to closed parts (disc or disc) to the disc around the valve axis to achieve the opening and closing a valve, the valve can be used to control the flow of air, water, steam, corrosive media, mud, oil, liquid metals and radioactive fluids and other types of media. On the main pipeline from the off and throttling effect. Valve opening and closing member is a disc-shaped butterfly plate in the valve body around its own axis, so as to achieve the purpose of opening and closing or adjusting.

How to manage fuel consumption ?

As a leader in transportation company, 

How to manage fuel consumption ?

Pls note below in carefully!


Multivariable Vortex Flowmeter

Vortex flowmeter is based on Carmen (Karman) vortex principle study of production, mainly used for industrial pipe flow measurement fluid medium, such as a gas, liquid, vapor and other media. It features a small pressure loss, large range, high accuracy when measuring actual volume flow is hardly affected by fluid density, pressure, temperature, viscosity and other parameters. No moving mechanical parts, so high reliability and low maintenance. Instrument parameters can be long-term stability. Vortex flowmeter piezoelectric stress sensors, high reliability, can work in the operating temperature range of -20 ℃ ~ + 250 ℃ for. Analog standard signals, digital pulse signal output, easy and supporting the use of computers and other digital systems, is a more advanced and ideal measuring instruments.

Energy measuring.
Energy into primary energy (coal, crude oil, coal bed methane, LPG and natural gas), secondary energy (electricity, coke, artificial gas, refined oil products, liquefied petroleum gas, steam) and energy carriers working fluid (air, oxygen, nitrogen, hydrogen, water). Energy measurement is scientific management of energy, to achieve energy saving and improve an important means of economic efficiency. Flow Meter is an important part of energy measurement instruments, water, artificial gas, natural gas, steam and oil these common energy use of the extremely large number of flow meters, energy management and they are an indispensable tool for economic accounting.


what's advantages of Wet gas flow measurement ?

Wet gas meter

Wet gas flow: One is used for non-corrosive gases. Another is to be used to measure corrosive gases. CX-WGFM-LMF / LML series of wet gas flowmeter is one of the commonly used laboratory instruments. When measuring the total gas volume, its high degree of accuracy, especially small flow, its error is small. Can be directly used to measure gas flow, the instrument can also be used as a standard test other flowmeter.

what's the features of wet gas flow meter?
1) high accuracy. In the confidence probability of 0.95, its expanded uncertainty up to 0.2%, 0.5%
2)Does not require strict temperature, it can be used at room temperature.
3)Intuitive readings, easy to use.
4)With pulse transmission mechanism, and it can be easily connected to the computer, automatic detection.
5)Manufacturing materials made of stainless steel or embalmed, long service life.

(CE,SGS,ISO)Marine Fuel Monitor,Marine fuel flow meter & consumption system

what's the features of marine fuel flow meter ?
In accordance with the requirements of marine diesel flow meter is properly installed, you can guarantee with sufficient precision, accuracy is usually cumulative value of up to 0.5, more 0.2, and is a more accurate flow measurement instruments. However, if the flow rate of the measured medium used.

Small, the impact of leakage error of the instrument will be highlighted and can no longer ensure sufficient accuracy. Therefore, different types and specifications of the diesel flow meter for use with a minimum allowable value, only when the actual measured flow rate is greater than the lower limit flow allowed value, the measurement accuracy can be guaranteed. Heavy meter measured media to pay attention to the temperature not too high, it will not only increase the measurement error, but also the gear stuck may occur. To this end, heavy oil flow meter in the instrument specified temperature range.

Attentions of Boat Fuel Meter.
Marine diesel meter pipeline should be clean before installation. If the liquid contains solid particles, the filter must be installed upstream pipeline; heavy oil flow meter straight pipe before and after no certain requirements. It can be mounted horizontally or vertically. When installed, it should be oval gear flow meter and the rotation axis parallel to the ground

Flow measurement independent of the state of a fluid flow, because oval gear flow meter is to rely on the indenter measured medium oval gear driven rotating metering of.

The greater the viscosity of the medium, from gear and metering space leaked gap smaller amount of leakage, so sticky skin greater nuclear test medium, the smaller the leakage error, to measure more favorable.

Marine diesel meter high measurement accuracy, but not for a fluid containing solid particles (solid particles will gear stuck, so that the flow can not be measured). If the measured liquid medium mixed with gas, can cause measurement errors.


how to work of thermal mass flow meter ?

What's the principle of thermal mass flowmeter?

To measure gas flow by measuring the cooling effect of the heating element within the gas flowing through the meter when the. There are within the measurement section of gas through two resistance elements, one of them as the temperature detector, and the other as a heater. A temperature sensing element for detecting the temperature of the gas, varying the current through the heater to maintain a constant temperature difference between the temperature and the measured temperature of the gas. When the gas flow rate increases, the greater the cooling effect, so that a constant temperature shall be kept between RTD current is greater. This heat transfer is proportional to the gas mass flow rate, i.e., current is supplied to the gas mass flow rate has a corresponding function to reflect the flow of gas.

what's the advantages of thermal mass flow meter ?

Thermal mass flowmeter to measure the flow rate (gas 0.02 ~ 2m / s) micro flow; submerged thermal mass flowmeters measure the flow rate of low to medium high (gas 2 ~ 60m / s), plug-in thermal mass flow count more suitable for large diameter. [1] 
Thermal mass flowmeter has no moving parts, no shunt heat distributed unimpeded flow meter parts, the pressure loss is very small; hot distributed instruments and immersion of the instrument with a shunt, although in the measurement pipe in the home have Baffles, but the pressure loss is not great.
Thermal mass flow meter performance is relatively reliable. Compared with the derivation of mass flow meters, without temperature sensors, pressure sensors and computing units, etc., only the flow sensor, composed of simple, small probability of failure occurs.
Instrumentation, heat distributed instrumentation proved for H2, N2, O2, CO, NO and so close to the ideal gas of diatomic gas, do not use these special calibration gas, calibration directly on the air for only about 2% difference; for Ar , He and other single-atom gas is then multiplied by the factor 1.4; for other gases in terms of the specific heat capacity is available, but may be slightly larger deviation.
Specific heat capacity of the gas will change with pressure and temperature, but the temperature and pressure used in the vicinity of small changes can be regarded as a constant.

what's the application of thermal flow meter ?

1, Steel Plant, coking plant gas flow measurement;
2, boiler air flow, measuring the amount of secondary air;
3, the chimney flue gas flow measurement;
4, water treatment aeration flow measurement;
5, cement, cigarettes, glass production process gas flow measurement;
6, air flow measurement;
7, natural gas, coal gas, liquefied petroleum gas, flare gas, hydrogen and other gas flow measurement.

Pipe type Thermal Flowmeter 

Insertion type Thermal Mass Flow Meter


what's the flow meter for acid,alkali,salt solution liquid ?

Acid alkali salt solution flow meter consists of two parts consisting of sensor and converter is based on Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction to work, used to measure the conductivity of greater than 5uS / cm conductive liquid volume flow, is an electrically conductive medium volume flow measurement sensors meter. The main components of the sensor are: measuring tube, electrodes, excitation coil, core and yoke housing. Mainly used to measure conductivity in closed conduits and uniform liquid and liquid mud, pulp, pulp and other solid volume measuring two-phase liquid suspension. Including acids, alkalis and other corrosive liquids. Electromagnetic flowmeters are widely used in petroleum, chemical, metallurgy, textile, food, pharmaceutical, paper and other industries as well as environmental protection, municipal administration, water conservancy construction,

What's the principle of electromagnetic flow meter ?
Electromagnetic flowmeter flow measurement is based on Faraday's law of electromagnetic induction flowmeter. Advantages electromagnetic flowmeter pressure loss is extremely small, large measurable flow range. The ratio of maximum flow and minimum flow rate is generally 20: 1 or more, applicable to a wide range of industrial pipe diameter, up to 3m, output signal and the measured flow rate is linear, high accuracy, measure the conductivity s / cm acid , alkali, salt solution, water, sewage, corrosive liquids and slurries of fluid flow. But it can not gas, steam and pure water flow measurement. When the conductor for cutting magnetic field lines move in a magnetic field, the conductor will produce EMF, EMF size and the effective length of the conductor and the conductor in a magnetic field perpendicular to the magnetic field as a speed proportional to the direction of motion in the magnetic field. When Similarly, the conductive fluid in a magnetic field perpendicular to the direction of flow and cutting magnetic induction power line, will produce EMF on the pipeline on both sides of the electrode

What's the advantage of electromagnetic flow meter ?
1) Measurement of electromagnetic flowmeter is not affected by fluid density, viscosity, temperature, pressure and electrical conductivity changes and other factors;
2) measuring tube unimpeded flow of parts, no pressure loss, lower section of the straight pipe requirements;
3) electromagnetic flowmeter nominal diameter of DN10 ~ DN2200. Sensor lining and electrode materials have a variety of options;
4) converter uses a novel excitation mode, low power consumption, zero stability, high accuracy. Flow range of up to 1500:
5) The converter can be composed of a body or a separate type of sensor;
6) The converter uses 16-bit high-performance microprocessors, 2x16LCD display, convenient parameter setting, programming and reliable;
7) The electromagnetic flowmeter is bidirectional measurement system, built-in three Totalizer: forward total, reverse total and the total amount of the difference; can be displayed. Zhuang, regurgitation, and a variety of output: current, pulse, digital communications, HART;
8) converter using surface mount technology (SMT), a self-test and self-diagnostic function;

Below is photos for integrated type,seperated type, insertion type magnetic flow meter.


the flow meter which used to measure lubricating oil

Lubricating oil flow meter 

Mainly dedicated lubricants meter oval gear flow meter to measure, for precise measurement of continuous or intermittent flow or transient pipe flow liquid. It is particularly suitable for flow measurement of heavy oil, polyvinyl alcohol, resins and other high viscosity media.

Flow measurement independent of the flow state of the fluid, which is due to oval gear flow meter is to rely on the indenter measured medium oval gear driven metering of rotation.
The greater the viscosity of the medium, from gear and metering space gap smaller amount leaked leak, so sticky skin greater nuclear test medium, the smaller the leakage error, to measure more favorable.
High precision measurement of oval gear flow meter is suitable for measuring high viscosity medium traffic. 
Users should match it with strainer if there is solid particles in fluid. and 
but not for fluid containing solid particles (solid particles will gear stuck, making it impossible to measure the flow).
 If the measured liquid medium which is mixed with gas,then you user should venting device.

Oval Gear Flow Meter